Zequinha de Abreu (2nd edition) – eBook/audio options

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From the songbook “Zequinha de Abreu (2nd edition).” Cover, choro ensemble musicians bio, what is choro?, short chronologic biography of the composer, what is his significance?, comments about the scores, a word about improvisation in choro, scores in C, B♭ or E♭.

$ 25.00
$ 25.00
$ 25.00
$ 29.00


From the songbook “Zequinha de Abreu (2nd edition).” Cover, choro ensemble musicians bio, what is choro?, short chronologic biography of the composer, what is his significance?, comments about the scores, a word about improvisation in choro, scores in C, B♭ or E♭.



“A Bruta” by Derico (soprano saxophone), “Não Creio em Ti” by Paulo Sérgio Santos (clarinet), “Bafo de Onça” by Roberto Sion (alto saxophone), “Ideal Desfeito” by Nailor Proveta (clarinet), “Levanta Poeira” by Leonardo Miranda (flute), “Não me Toques” by Nailor Proveta (clarinet), “Branca” by Izaias do Bandolim (mandolin), “Olhos Esquivos” by Alexandre Ribeiro (clarinet), “Os Pintinhos no Terreiro” by Antonio Rocha (piccolo), “Sururu na Cidade” by Aleh Ferreira (mandolin), “Tardes em Lindoya” by Ricardo Calafate (mandolin), “Tico-Tico no Fubá” by Toninho Carrasqueira (flute) and Daniela Spielmann (tenor saxophone)



“Época de Ouro”

André Bellieny – 6-string guitar
Jorge Filho – cavaquinho
Jorginho do Pandeiro – pandeiro
Toni 7 Cordas – 7-string guitar


Edition and revision of scores: Italo Peron and Daniel Dalarossa
Harmony and numbered chords revision (2nd ed.): Italo Peron
Arrangements for the choro ensemble (base music): Época de Ouro (Toni 7 Cordas, André Bellieny, Jorginho do Pandeiro and Jorge Filho) and Daniel Dalarossa
Solo recordings: Estúdio Umuarama (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Estúdio 185 (São Paulo, Brazil), and Tonelada Estúdio de Gravação (São Paulo, Brazil)
Recordings of the Choro Ensemble: Estúdio Umuarama (Rio de Janeiro, RJ), by Ricardo Calafate
Editing and mixing: Ricardo Calafate and Daniel Dalarossa


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