Severino Araújo 1 – eBook/audio options

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From the songbook “Severino Araújo 1.” Cover, choro ensemble musicians bio, what is choro?, short chronologic biography of the composer, what is his significance?, comments about the scores, a word about improvisation in choro, scores in C, B♭ or E♭.

$ 28.00
$ 28.00
$ 28.00
$ 33.00


From the songbook “Severino Araújo 1.” Cover, choro ensemble musicians bio, what is choro?, short chronologic biography of the composer, what is his significance?, comments about the scores, a word about improvisation in choro, scores in C, B♭ or E♭.



“Além do Horizonte” by Franklin da Flauta (flauta),  “Espinha de Bacalhau” by Daniela Spielmann (saxofone soprano), “Gafanhoto Manco” by Daniel Dalarossa (flauta), “Mirando-te” by Hudson Nogueira (saxofone alto), “Mumbaba” by Mané Silveira (saxofone soprano), “Pensando em Você” by Otinilo Pacheco (clarinete), “Simplesmente” by Julie Koidin (flauta), “Um Chorinho Delicioso” by Izaias do Bandolim (bandolim), “Um Chorinho Modulante” by Hudson Nogueira (clarinete), “Um Chorinho em Montevidéu” by Michel Moraes (clarinete), “Um Chorinho pra Você” by Mané Silveira (saxofone soprano), “Nivaldo no Choro” by Mário Sève (saxofone soprano) e Daniela Spielmann (saxofone tenor)

Choro ensemble

André Bellieny – 7-string guitar
Darly Guimarães – pandeiro
Márcio Almeida – 6-string guitar
Ubyratan de Oliveira – cavaquinho


Arrangements and adaptations: Daniel Dalarossa, except for “Nivaldo no Choro,” arranged by Mário Sève for tenor/soprano sax
Harmony transcription and revision: Marco Bertaglia
Arrangements for the choro ensemble (base music): André Bellieny, Darly Guimarães, Márcio Almeida, Ubyratan de Oliveira, and Daniel Dalarossa
Solo recordings: Estúdio Umuarama (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Estúdio 185 (São Paulo, Brazil), and Woodside Ave. Music Productions Inc. (Chicago, IL.)
Recordings of the Choro Ensemble, editing, mixing, and mastering: Estúdio Umuarama, by Ricardo Calafate


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