Pixinguinha in counterpoint vol. 2 – Aí, Seu Pinguça

$ 1.45$ 2.45

Aí, Seu Pinguça, by Pixinguinha, from the songbook “Pixinguinha in counterpoint vol. 2.” Scores for instruments in C, B♭ and E♭. Full track with solo(s) by Daniel Dalarossa (flute) and Paulo Pascali Jr (tenor sax).

$ 1.45
$ 2.45
$ 2.45
$ 2.45
$ 2.45
$ 2.45
$ 2.45
$ 2.45
$ 2.45
$ 2.45


Aí, Seu Pinguça, by Pixinguinha, from the songbook “Pixinguinha in counterpoint vol. 2.” Scores for instruments in C, B♭ and E♭. Full track with solo(s) by Daniel Dalarossa (flute) and Paulo Pascali Jr (tenor sax).

Choro ensemble

Henrique Araújo – cavaquinho
Rafael Toledo – percussion
Gian Correa – 7-string guitar
Italo Peron – 6-string guitar


Harmony transcription and musical revision: Italo Peron
Melody and counterpoint transcription: Daniel Dalarossa
Mixing and mastering: Daniel Dalarossa and Italo Peron
Recordings: Beto (Estúdio 185 – SP)


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