Pattápio Silva – Oriental

$ 9.00

Oriental, by Pattápio Silva, from the songbook “Pattápio Silva.” Scores for instruments in C and B♭ and for guitar. Full track with solo(s) by Alexandre Braga (flute).

$ 9.00
$ 9.00


Oriental, by Pattápio Silva, from the songbook “Pattápio Silva.” Scores for instruments in C and B♭ and for guitar. Full track with solo(s) by Alexandre Braga (flute).


Italo Peron (guitar) and Alexandre Braga (flauta): all tracks except “Lundu Característico” (flute) and “Volúvel” (2nd flute) by Daniel Dalarossa.


Arrangements, harmony transcription and revision from original scores: Italo Peron
Musical revision: Italo Peron
Mixing and mastering: Daniel Dalarossa and Italo Peron


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