Marquinho Mendonça – eBook/audio options

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From the songbook “Marquinho Mendonça 1.” Cover, choro ensemble musicians bio, what is choro?, short chronologic biography of the composer, what is his significance?, comments about the scores, a word about improvisation in choro, scores in C or B♭.

$ 25.00
$ 25.00
$ 29.00


From the songbook “Marquinho Mendonça 1.” Cover, choro ensemble musicians bio, what is choro?, short chronologic biography of the composer, what is his significance?, comments about the scores, a word about improvisation in choro, scores in C, B♭ or E♭.


“Batuque Chorado”,  “Joãozinho na Seresta”,  “Jurubebaião”,  “Chorim”, “Pétalas”, “Alvorecer”, “Cajueiro”, “Tempo Templo”, “Baiando”, “El Cabong”, “Caminhos”, “Recomeço”, “Aos Ventos”


Arrangements: Marquinho Mendonça
Arrangement for wind instruments in “Batuque Chorado”: Nailor “Proveta” Azevedo
Arrangement for wind instruments in “Joãozinho na Seresta”: Laércio de Freitas
Transcription, edition and revision of scores: Kajla Toledo and Tatiana Mazurek
Revision: Marquinho Mendonça and Daniel Dalarossa
Recordings: Estúdio 185, by Beto Mendonça, Fabio Marins, Aleandro Lupia, and Lindenberg
Additional recordings: Carlos Akamine and Botinha
Mixing: Fabio Marins, Beto Mendonça, and Shina
Mastering: Homero Lotito and Beto Mendonça


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