Choro ensemble
André Bellieny – 7-string guitar
Darly Guimarães – pandeiro
Márcio Almeida – 6-string guitar
Ubyratan de Oliveira – cavaquinho
Arrangements for the choro ensemble (base music): André Bellieny, Darly Guimarães, Márcio Almeida, Ubyratan de Oliveira and Daniel Dalarossa
Transcription and edition of scores: Daniel Dalarossa
Harmony transcription and revision: Italo Peron
Recording and editing: Ricardo Calafate (Estúdio Umuarama – RJ)
Mixing and mastering: Daniel Dalarossa
Recordings: Estúdio Umuarama (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), and Estúdio 185 (São Paulo, Brazil)
Suggestion on how to use the accompaniment pack:
The accompaniment packs are basically a collection of audio tracks and music scores with an emphasis on a specific accompaniment instrument: cavaco, 6-string guitar or 7-string guitar.
For example, a cavaco pack contains:
- audio track with pandeiro, cavaco and solo instrument
- audio track with pandeiro and solo instrument
- the full audio track with all instruments
- audio track with all instruments except cavaco
- C score with bass transcription for the choro
We have added the complete transcription of the 6-string guitar realization in a score (numbered chords, chord voicing and rhythm patterns, conventions, etc) to the 6-string guitar pack. We have included the tablature (TAB) to the score in addition to the formal musical notation.
1) Listen to the full track, following the score(s) to get acquainted with the choro form, harmony, breaks, dynamics, rhythm, conventions, etc.
2) With the audio containing only pandeiro, your instrument and solo, dive into the execution specifics of the instrument by the master player of our original recording. Lower the tempo, loop difficult segments, etc, until you get it. The volume of the solo instrument has been slightly decreased, so you can clearly observe all the nuances of the original instrument performance.
3) Now play the instrument part yourself with the pandeiro and solo track.
4) When you feel you have it in your fingers, you can use the track with all instruments minus the instrument to have the full experience.
It is important to mention that you will always find the best choro musicians and choro ensembles from Brazil in our recordings. You can see the bio and picture of the base musicians on this page.
André Bellieny
Darly Guimarães
Márcio Almeida
Ubyratan de Oliveira