Ernesto Nazareth 2 (2nd edition) – eBook/audio options

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From the songbook “Ernesto Nazareth 2 (2nd edition).” Cover, choro ensemble musicians bio, what is choro?, short chronologic biography of the composer, what is his significance?, comments about the scores, a word about improvisation in choro, scores in C, B♭ or E♭.

$ 25.00
$ 25.00
$ 25.00
$ 29.00


From the songbook “Ernesto Nazareth 2 (2nd edition).” Cover, choro ensemble musicians bio, what is choro?, short chronologic biography of the composer, what is his significance?, comments about the scores, a word about improvisation in choro, scores in C, B♭ or E♭.

Choro ensemble

Arnaldinho do Cavaco – cavaquinho
Betinho Sodré – pandeiro
Edmilson Capelupi – 7-string guitar
Lula Gama – 6-string guitar


Arrangements and adaptations: Daniel Dalarossa, Roberta Marcinkowski, and Tatiana Mazurek - except for “Confidências,” arranged by Toninho Carrasqueira, and “Bambino,” arranged for saxophones by Daniel Dalarossa
Harmony transcription: Luca Raele, Roberta Marcincowski, and Marco Bertaglia
Arrangements for the choro ensemble (base music): Edmilson Capelupi
Gravações: Cake Walk Estúdio (São Paulo, Brazil), 510 Studios (Fremont, CA), Acceso Studio (Milpitas, CA), Song Writers Studio (Fremont, CA), Estúdio Umuarama (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), and Estúdio 185 (São Paulo, Brazil)
Mastering: Estúdio Sonic Máster by Pedro Marin


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